1.5: Legs and Laboratory


  • Added loading screens
  • Updated Legs to be XML-defined
  • Added new map 'Laboratory'
  • Added <swap> trait trigger: triggers when swapping weapons
  • Added <hostile-alive> trait value: evaluates to fraction of hostiles that are alive
  • Added #value variable to <reload> trigger: 0 if held weapon was reloaded, 1 if offhand weapon


  • Updated image for 'Firefly Deployer' weapon
  • Added new music tracks
  • Music can now speficy the level it unlocks after
  • Added two new legs
  • Added new body
  • Added several new arms
  • Added red tint when taking damage
  • Updated tutorial level to show status overlay
  • Touched up maps
  • Updated level descriptions
  • Added miscellaneous sounds
  • Added animation to pickups reappearing
  • Random names toggle is now saved to player preferences
  • Reduced maximum ammo of 'Plasma Gauntlets'
  • Slightly changed some team colors
  • Reduced maximum damage reduction of defensive trait 'Endurance'. When combined with 'Self Repair' it no longer prevents a character from dying to damaged status.
  • Updated ability 'Web Mine' to slow hit targets even more


  • Fix reversed scroll on Linux
  • Fix pierce-beam projectiles not piercing when no wall behind target
  • Fix summons not setting off landmines
  • Fix characters getting stuck on jagged platforms
  • Fix pool-elimination style not returning players originally on that team
  • Fix shader artifacts on heads, bodies, arms, and summons
  • Fix summons permanently disappearing when ending while respawning
  • Fix shields displaying while dead

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