1.4 Rebinding Keys and Image Overlays


  • Added <overlay> trait effects. Overlays display an SVG image on a targeted player's screen. The overlay image is in the Models folder
  • Added <image> trait effects. Images display an SVG image at a targeted player's location. The image can be stretched, rotated, or offset. The image is also in the Models folder.
  • Keybindings can be changed and rebound in the Options menu.


  • Added an <overlay> to 'Evil Clouds' ability
  • Arm icons display upper and lower arm in Character Select menu
  • Multiple Summons no longer sit on top of each other and spread out slightly
  • Summoned characters can have their own summons, but those summons cannot
  • Summons of summoned characters display smaller
  • Tweaks to Control game modes: 
    • It takes longer to capture control objectives
    • Respawn time increased to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds)
    • End screen per-player points are calculated differently


  • Fix <time> Trait effects unaffected by Slowed and Tick Rate multiplier
  • Fix game freezing on <interrupt> in Ability End-trigger
  • Fix Weapon parse failure on empty <sounds> field
  • Fix playerbound projectiles on summoned characters


Combatomaton_windows.zip 39 MB
Jan 21, 2024
combatomaton_linux.zip 39 MB
Jan 21, 2024
Combatomaton_mac.zip 48 MB
Jan 21, 2024

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