1.6: Maps and Sounds


  • Five new music tracks: The Leaves are Purple, Lost Memory, Rockfall, Alien Machine, and Starlight
  • New appearance options: five new legs and four new heads
  • Added white particle color to maps and traits


  • Updated map visuals, descriptions, and AI pathing for a variety of map, most notably Scrapyard, Underworld Bridge, Launchpad, Runoff, Satellite, and the Tutorial map
  • Added a bunch of new sounds to abilities, including Necromancy, Evil Clouds, Blood Magic, Unlimited Power, Energy Sword, Team Shield, Cloak, all of the Drones, and the Landmines
  • Updated the appearances of AI characters in the campaign with new heads, legs, arms and bodies
  • Added custom font numerals
  • Updated descriptions of traits and abilities to capitalize status effects
  • Balanced a number of weapons, traits and abilities:
    • Basic Gun - increased accuracy
    • Spraygun - reduced reload time
    • Weblaser - increased accuracy, damage, and critical chance
    • Damaged Defense - renamed to Acid Armor, reduced minimum damaged duration, increased damage reduction
    • Slowed Ability - renamed to Slow and Steady
    • Kill Clip - added speed boost for a brief duration after kill
    • Airborne - increased critical chance bonus for weapons with high base crit
    • Team Crit - increased critical chance bonus for weapons with high base crit
    • Blood Magic - increased damage dealt, increased damage reduction
    • Unlimited Power - tweaked the lightning hands weapon to be more consistent and accurate


  • Added new ledge snapping physics
  • Fixed player-bound projectiles interacting poorly with slow zones
  • Leg offset now properly adjusts character's aim angle
  • AI characters now prioritize other teams' objectives better in Capture the Flag, Control, and King of the Hill
  • Fixed UI scaling issues on 16:10 resolution
  • Fixed game freezing when file could not be parsed
  • Chain projectiles now reflect properly
  • Drones no longer hit themselves with Indiscriminate
  • Fixed a variety of Energy Ammo related reload bugs
  • Teammates revived in pool elimination are now placed on the correct team
  • Random name characters no longer have an extra space at the end


Combatomaton_windows.zip 55 MB
Apr 21, 2024
combatomaton_linux.zip 55 MB
Apr 21, 2024
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Apr 21, 2024

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